Our history
UAB “Biržų duona” started its activity in 1953. At that time, the bakery was called “Biržų pramkombinatu” and belonged to the Biržai County Consumer Cooperatives Union. During that period, 3 furnaces with hot coals fired with firewood and diesel fuel operated in the bakery. 30-35 employees worked and 2-3 tons of production was produced per day, most of them were bread and pie products.

Our history
At the end of the 1970s, the bakery was no longer able to supply the residents of the district with bread products, therefore, in 1977 the construction of a new bakery complex on Plento Street was started, which started to work on the 1st of August, 1978. The assortment consisted of 35 products, and the bakery already had 90 employees. At that time, 40 tons of production were produced per day. Although the bakery is still being developed, “Biržų duona” is still located on Plento Street.

Our history
Since the 3rd of April 1995 a new name of the bakery – UAB “Biržų duona” – was registered in the Biržai district municipality. In 1999, our first logo was created and drawn by an art teacher from Biržai. Over time, it changed until it was finally purified to the current one, reflecting the company’s values and traditions. Today, the slogan “Tradition to create”, which reflects our entire journey of growth, has become an integral part of the logo. It is an interesting fact that the idea of the slogan was solved by the whole management team together, but the construction of words was suggested by the then deputy director of the technical department Gintaras.

Our history
The current stage of the bakery began in 1996 when engineer Viktoras Kurganovas, who worked at the Biržų konservų fabrikas, was invited to run it. At that time, the state bakery belonging to “Lietkoopsąjungai” was barely breathing. We associate the rebirth of the company with 2001 when it was privatized by Kurganovai family, which has so far put all its heart into the life of the bakery. Today, the strength of our company lies in the family values we cherish.

Our history
The first bread shop on Rotušės Street in Biržai was established in times of Soviet Union, which we renovated in 2000. Since then, the active development of own-brand stores has begun. The first small departments opened in Rokiškis, Vilnius, Kaunas and in other large and smaller towns. Currently, “Biržų duona” has about 20 small own-brand departments. In 2015, out of great love for our products, Vytenis opened the first Biržų duonos friends’ store “Kmyninė” in Vilnius, operating on the basis of a franchise. We currently have about 10 friend stores. We‘re glad that the love that unites us regarding Biržų duona bakery products opens the door to such beautiful friendships.

Our history
In 2006 buns workshop-complex was set up where not only buns but also braids, small braids and sweet baked good of pie are produced. With the new workshop, the amount of this production produced has tripled. Time goes by, and a large part of the buns are still made by our girls using their hands and with great love.

Our history
In 2010 cookies workshop was set up. Cookies and pies were added to the assortment of Biržų duona. And in 2012 commercial director Andrius brought macarons and caneles from the exhibition. After half a year of experimentation in a specially equipped laboratory, technologists have been able to produce authentic-tasting French desserts that even today color the foodies’ days.

Our history
In 2010 we received the “Gazelė” Award as the fastest-growing company in Panevėžys County. In the first decade of the privatized company's performance, more money was invested in the factory – buildings, equipment, technologies. Around 2010 we started investing more money in marketing, brand, identity.

Our history
In 2011 we started a close cooperation with the designer Edvardas Kavarskas, whose bold and modern package designs have won many awards not only in Lithuania but also in the world. Since then, not only Biržų duonos production but also its image, has become inseparable from creativity and innovations.
By the way, Edvardas also contributed to the package of the famous “Grissini”. The idea for Italian bread sticks came from a mincer, more precisely, cookies baked by grandmothers and mothers who rolled the dough through a mincer. When we came up with the idea that the rolled dough strips could be both round and sugarless, we flew to Italy with technologists to find out how to bake Italian bread sticks. In 2014 “Grissini” package won “Red Dot” award at an international design competition in Milan. Furthermore, in the same year, the company also received the “Login” award – for a website adapted for mobile devices.

Our history
In 2013 a new bread baking workshop was established. Additional premises with an area of more than 1000 square meters were built on. In this way we were able to modernize the production, install new furnaces controlled by a robot. But while maintaining our values, we did not abandon the traditional technology of baking bread as well. Basically, the process of baking bread is not very different from what it was hundreds of years ago. Biržų duona is one of the few industrial bakeries in Lithuania, where bread is baked according to the old recipes – scalds are prepared, natural sourdough (we have even 4 types of it) grown by us is mixed into the dough, the dough is fermented, the loaves are formed by hands and the bread is baked on a stone base. Only the loaves are put in the oven and pulled out of it by a robot, not a grandmother with a peel; it is automated process.

Our history
Since 2014 the first Saturday of August became the friendliest day for Biržai! This is the day when all Biržai residents and city guests run to the bread-smelling streets of Biržai when the city celebration leaves no one at home, and the sounds of trombones and warm smiles do not leave anyone indifferent and invites everyone to join “Biržų km” starting line and get to know Northern Lithuania at the pace of running. In 2014, we organized the first running event in Biržai. Slightly more than 400 participants joined the starting line. The tradition is continued every year and we are glad that the running event attracts more and more guests not only from all over Lithuania, but people also travel from abroad to participate in our running event. “Biržų Kilometrai” is the largest running event in Northern Lithuania.

Our history
In 2014 we also opened our first cafe-bakery: the Sucré Bakery House. When opening the door of a bakery house, you will discover a sweet shelter – a piece of bliss, a cup of warmth and some gifts that should be brought home. Cozy and bright spaces, playful elegance, freshly roasted coffee, exclusive desserts and traditional bread products. The Sucré hat is Parisian, but the roots are deeply ingrained in the land of Biržai. Sucré is the art of living deliciously.

Our history
In 2015 a thermal energy saving system was installed in the company. The implemented advanced technology ensures lower consumption of natural gas, so less polluting particles are emitted into the environment. “Preserved natural resources and renewable energy are a priority for all socially responsible companies. These are not just loud words, so we have undergone a transformation in the company by implementing a new modern thermal energy saving technology. Thanks to the new technology, hot air and steam, having performed their direct function in baking ovens, give away the remaining thermal energy, which is stored in tanks in the form of hot water. Hot water is used both for direct production – preparing dough scalds and for production-related processes – washing containers and for employees’s premises. This new technology will help solve the recently highly sensitive issue of reducing environmental pollution.

Our history
In 2018 a warehouse for produced production was renovated. A modern system has been installed and with its help we can select products for 1,300 stores every day. This is extremely important, especially when the products basket consists of over 200 different types of products, and sales channels vary from own-brand departments to major retail chains. Although today the company is the third in Lithuania among fresh bread bakers, we still do not stop creating new flavors, do not give up handmade products, try to fulfill all, even individual customers’ orders, and we dive right into creative ambitious projects. Every order, every customer is important. Every idea is valuable. Stop by, taste and become part of our family.

Our history
In 2019 our extremely wide products basket – adapted to very different consumer segments – was even more expanded. Observing the international market and implementing a strategic direction focused on a healthy diet, we opened a gluten-free workshop in the bakery. Thanks to it, we avoid cross-contamination and ensure product safety.
Gaminių be glitimo asortimentas Biržų duonoje nuolatos auga: duona, sausainiai, bandelės ir netgi kūčiukai. Planuojame nesustoti, o svarbiausia - išlaikyti be gliuteno gaminius tokius pat skanius, o neretai ir skanesnius, nei įprastus produktus. / The assortment of gluten-free products in Biržų duona is constantly growing: bread, cookies, buns and even kūčiukai (Christmas cakes). We plan not to stop, and most importantly – to keep gluten-free products delicious and often tastier than regular products.
Gaminių be glitimo asortimentas Biržų duonoje nuolatos auga: duona, sausainiai, bandelės ir netgi kūčiukai. Planuojame nesustoti, o svarbiausia – išlaikyti be gliuteno gaminius tokius pat skanius, o neretai ir skanesnius, nei įprastus produktus.

Our history
In 2019 we have achieved a very important goal for us and from now on we have the international “FSSC 22000” food safety certification mark. This standard validates our food safety systems by showing that we adhere to strict food safety processes and that our commitments to hygiene and human health are met.
“FSSC 22000” is a recognized standard by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and is accepted by major European food retailers. We believe that this mark of reliability will contribute to an even smoother supply of delicious baked goods not only in Lithuania but also abroad.

Our history
In 2020 we were waiting for spring like never before – every ray of sunlight meant a new phase for us. Guided by sustainable business idea, we have installed a 450 kW solar power plant near the bakery, which will produce about 30% of the company’s annual electricity demand. The power plant is distinguished by the fact that its solar modules are installed in such a way that they can follow not only the movement of the sun on the horizon – from east to west, but also change their position depending on the height of the rise of the sun above the horizon. During the opening event of the solar power plant, we also presented a unique rye installation by the artist Agnė Kišonaitė, which the curious people could best see while flying in the sky. So from now on, our products are born from friendly solar energy!

Our history
2021 m.
2021 m. Karantino laikotarpiu buvo sukurta Biržų duonos internetinė parduotuvė „NAMO“ https://namo.birzuduona.lt/. Galime pasidžiaugti, kad esame pirmoji industrinė kepykla Lietuvoje sukūrusi tokią paslaugą. O ši paslauga suteikė galimybę klientams užsisakyti gardumynų tiesiai į namus iš bet kurio šalies kampelio. Ši internetinė parduotuvė ypatingai padeda patenkinti nišinės mitybos klientų norus, kadangi produktai atitinkantys spec. poreikius tampa lengviau prieinami.

Our history
2021 m.
2021 m. Įkūrėme bityną šalia Biržų duonos saulės jėgainės. Savo kepyklos pievoje apgyvendinome 15 bičių šeimų. Aviliai įkurdinti tarp saulės jėgainės kolektorių, esančių laukuose greta kepyklos. Bityną įrengti padėjo ir juo iki šiol rūpinasi mūsų krašto smulkieji verslininkai, broliai Ignas ir Vilius iš įmonės „Brolių medus“. Bitės yra esminė maisto grandinės dalis, nes jos apdulkina daugumą mūsų valgomų augalų.

Our history
2022 m.
We create unique products with respect for Lithuanian traditions and the environment.
I am a member of the Biržai duona family, I represent the company, products and team and create an environment where it is good to work.
We foster long-term, mutually beneficial relationships based on trust and sustainability.